Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Performance improvement Globe (398): Logistic MRP Cleanup Tool Extended to Production Orders and stock allocations.

Photo Credit: Donger
As of Exact Globe product update 398 is is possible to delete the obsolete logistics and planning records for production orders and allocation entries. This is a good extension to the MRP cleanup tool which is released as of product update 395.

In Exact Globe product update 395, the logistics MRP cleanup tool for cleaning up obsolete logistic records and budget entries without affecting the related processes was introduced. The records included completed sales orders, blanket sales orders, RMA orders, purchase orders, blanket purchase orders, RTV orders, interbranch transfer requests, and quotations. For more information, see Product Update 395: Improved Performance with Obsolete Logistic Records and MRP Planning Records Cleanup Tool .

However as of product update 398, in order to enhance the performance of the administration, system administrators also need to delete the obsolete logistics and planning records for production orders and allocation entries. As such, in this implementation, the scope of the cleaning up tool is extended to completed production orders and all the respective allocation entries. The allocation entries refer to stock allocation records generated from back-to-back orders and sales order enrichments. Consequently, the absence of production orders and stock allocation is no longer the prerequisite for executing the tool. This enhancement will definitely assist administrators in boosting the performance of the administration with ease. For more information about the updated prerequisites, how to use the cleanup tool, and the latest list of functionalities that are affected by the cleaning up process, see How-to: Cleaning Up Obsolete Logistic Records and Budget Entries.

To get an estimate how much records can be cleaned up, please run the Exact System Information tool and request an improvement report. More information about the improvement reports of the Exact System Information tool can be found here.

Enjoy the update to Globe product update 398.

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