Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to find table scans in your database.

Table scans are in most scenarios not the best way to retrieve records from the database. However, sometimes is only possible by executing a table scan because no useful indexes are available. In this situation, you can avoid table scans by adding an index. First of all, how many table scans occur in your database? This information can be retrieved with Performance Monitor, but it is also possible to execute a query. Next script is very usefull to use to get information of your SQL Server.

DECLARE @CounterPrefix NVARCHAR(30)
SET @CounterPrefix = CASE
THEN 'SQLServer:'

-- Capture the first counter set
SELECT CAST(1 AS INT) AS collection_instance ,[OBJECT_NAME],counter_name ,
instance_name,cntr_value,cntr_type,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS collection_time
INTO #perf_counters_init
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Access Methods'
    AND counter_name = 'Full Scans/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Access Methods'
    AND counter_name = 'Index Searches/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Buffer Manager'
    AND counter_name = 'Lazy Writes/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Buffer Manager'
    AND counter_name = 'Page life expectancy')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'General Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'Processes Blocked')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'General Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'User Connections')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Locks'
    AND counter_name = 'Lock Waits/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Locks'
    AND counter_name = 'Lock Wait Time (ms)')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'SQL Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'SQL Re-Compilations/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Memory Manager'
    AND counter_name = 'Memory Grants Pending')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'SQL Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'SQL Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'SQL Compilations/sec')

-- Wait on Second between data collection
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'

-- Capture the second counter set
SELECT CAST(2 AS INT) AS collection_instance ,[OBJECT_NAME],counter_name ,
     instance_name,cntr_value,cntr_type,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS collection_time
INTO #perf_counters_second
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Access Methods'
     AND counter_name = 'Full Scans/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Access Methods'
     AND counter_name = 'Index Searches/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Buffer Manager'
     AND counter_name = 'Lazy Writes/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Buffer Manager'
    AND counter_name = 'Page life expectancy')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'General Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'Processes Blocked')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'General Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'User Connections')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Locks'
    AND counter_name = 'Lock Waits/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Locks'
    AND counter_name = 'Lock Wait Time (ms)')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'SQL Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'SQL Re-Compilations/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'Memory Manager'
    AND counter_name = 'Memory Grants Pending')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'SQL Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec')
   OR ( OBJECT_NAME = @CounterPrefix+'SQL Statistics'
    AND counter_name = 'SQL Compilations/sec')

-- Calculate the cumulative counter values

SELECT i.OBJECT_NAME , i.counter_name , i.instance_name ,
    CASE WHEN i.cntr_type = 272696576
    THEN s.cntr_value - i.cntr_value
    WHEN i.cntr_type = 65792 THEN s.cntr_value
    END AS cntr_value
FROM #perf_counters_init AS i
JOIN #perf_counters_second AS s
ON i.collection_instance + 1 = s.collection_instance
   AND i.counter_name = s.counter_name
   AND i.instance_name = s.instance_name

-- Cleanup tables
DROP TABLE #perf_counters_init
DROP TABLE #perf_counters_second

After executing this script you need to look to the values of : Full Scans/sec and Index searches/sec
Index scans should at least 300 times be bigger than Full Scans. To lower the number of Full Scans, you need to identify the queries which are using a table scan in their execution plan. This information can be retrieved from the procedure cache. In the execution plan you need to look for the syntax: 'TableScan'. This can be done with next query.
SELECT TOP 50 st.text AS [SQL], cp.cacheobjtype, cp.objtype,
   DB_NAME(st.dbid)AS [DatabaseName], cp.usecounts AS [Plan usage] , qp.query_plan
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) qp
WHERE CAST(qp.query_plan AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) LIKE ('%Tablescan%')
ORDER BY usecounts DESC

Now, we have the query which you can analyze in SSMS.


Unknown said...

I need to oo lower the number of Full Scans because it reaches up to 400 normally every hour but typically stays above 15.
I executed statement to identify the queries which are using a table scan in their execution plan. It returned 55 rows.

With this query to identify the queries which are using a table scan, then what do I do?

It shows 55 results. Some results are for NULL "DatabaseName" column and some results returned are for the Database column name Orion.

Thanks for any advise you can provide.

André van de Graaf said...

Michael, Now you know which queries are doing the table scans.
You can do 3 things:
1) Look if theses query can be optimized by adding something to the where clause. So an existing index will be used.
2) Are all columns in de SELECT needed. For isntance an SELECT * is easy to write. But if only 3 columns are used in the application, it is not usefull to retrieve all other columns
3) Add a specific (filtered) index to the table.