Monday, March 2, 2009

Use Email to communicate but don't use it to collaborate.

With the web application Exact Synergy Enterprise, you can easily collaborate. It is much easier to collaborate in Exact Synergy Enterprise than using Email. I hate the use of Email for collaboration from internal people. Especially if multiple people are involved. The Reply To All button creates only more work. Who is in the lead? How to combine for instance the comments of 3 Reply To All from 3 different people?  This typically happens with people involved from different time zones. Sometimes I asked why people asked the question via Email to me. They have always the same answer. It is so easy to create. To be honest that is indeed true. However the collaborating with Email is terrible. In Exact Synergy Enterprise it takes a little bit more time to create a task but it is still very easy to do. The collaboration is 10 times better. Involved people can easily follow the status of the request.

Do you recognize that Email is a bad collaboration tool? If yes, please have a look to Exact Synergy Enterprise.

1 comment:

Remco Kroes said...

Collaboration requires transparency and visibility of information:
- what is the status of the complaint?
- who is now responsible?
- what was last agree upon with a customer?

E-mail is private and not sharable within your community. However, e-mail is still the no 1 communication channel and it is hard to change people's behavior. I really like the work that was done on integrating Outlook and Synergy.